

VAT: self-settlement in the transmission of forestry goods and services

Decree-Law No 165/2019 of 30 October amended the VAT Code, establishing a VAT outage mechanism for certain transmissions of forestry goods, which enters into force on 1 January 2020. This mechanism consists in the application of the reversal charge, with the vat being settled, which is due to certain transmissions of forestry goods, to be

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Moneris on the front line of digital transformation

The digital transformation and innovation that Moneris is bringing to the accounting and taxation sector addressed in an article in the online economic newspaper ECO. Automation, artificial intelligence, digital mobility, are all new concepts to a conservative sector in relation to technology. The words of the chairman of Moneris, Carlos Oliveira sum up well the

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Happy holidays with Moneris

We are in the final stretch of another year, markedly positive for the generality of business and companies and especially for the Portugal brand, which gains a growing role on international stages. We have also reached the end of a challenging decade, of structural changes on a planet that is now beginning to look seriously

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