vitor Godinho

humanentvsta scaled

Moneris referenced by Human Magazine as «Company of Excellence to Work in Portugal»

Moneris referenced by Human Magazine as «Company of Excellence to Work in Portugal» For the fourteenth consecutive year, the magazine publishes a special dossier on the theme “Companies of Excellence to Work in Portugal”. This dossier has in 2023 26 companies, which are presented as examples of betting on the people who work in them. […]

Moneris referenced by Human Magazine as «Company of Excellence to Work in Portugal» Read More »

2023alagarmento scaled

Extension of the deadline for delivery of the IRC Model 22 for the financial year 2022

On May 22, 2023, Order No. 148/2023.XXIII of the Secretary of State for Tax Affairs (SEAF) was published, which determines a punctual adjustment of the 2023 tax calendar, without any additions or penalties, namely that the obligations to submit the periodic IRC income statement – Model 22, of the 2022 tax period and the respective

Extension of the deadline for delivery of the IRC Model 22 for the financial year 2022 Read More »

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