vitor Godinho

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Roundtable Economic Journal “Future of Accounting”

In this round table promoted by the Economic Journal and dedicated to the “Future of Accounting”, which took place in the PLMJ auditorium in Lisbon, topics such as digitisation of the activity, the challenges and opportunities of digitisation for certified accountants, the growing importance of sustainability and ESG criteria, the prospects for the activity in […]

Roundtable Economic Journal “Future of Accounting” Read More »

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Pedro Neto in the special notebook of the Economic Journal on “Restructuring of Companies”

Restructuring has been the path chosen by several organisations, especially those that have been weakened by the pandamic period or, more recently, impacted by the economic effects of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. Neverthemore, the restructuring process can represent a phase of growth, improving the profitability and efficiency of companies Pedro Neto, Partner of Moneris, writes in

Pedro Neto in the special notebook of the Economic Journal on “Restructuring of Companies” Read More »

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Moneris is part of the final project of the Master’s degree in Applied Management at ISCTE Executive Education

Moneris had the opportunity to integrate the final project of the Master’s degree in Applied Management of ISCTE Executive Education, with a challenge related to attracting and retaining talent, especially in generations Y and Z. These initiatives to bring academia closer to business are essential to encourage and provide an environment for sharing market challenges.

Moneris is part of the final project of the Master’s degree in Applied Management at ISCTE Executive Education Read More »

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Moneris featured in the “Who’s who in accounting in Portugal” of Jornal Económico.

In this year’s edition of “Who’s Who in Accounting in Portugal”, from Jornal Económico, in addition to the directory of accounting companies in which companies in the Moneris sector are listed, as a leading company, comes with natural prominence, this edition has several articles in which we highlight the articles of Rui Almeida, CEO of

Moneris featured in the “Who’s who in accounting in Portugal” of Jornal Económico. Read More »

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