vitor Godinho

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Moneris joins other Members of MSI Global aliance to provide helpdesk support for Ukrainian citizens

The conflict in Ukraine has led to strong global support for the country and its citizens. Moneris as a member thus joins other associated companies offering their support. The MSI Global Alliance, together with its members, has launched a ‘Ukraine Helpdesk’, which consists of a pro bono humanitarian initiative, to provide aid and support to

Moneris joins other Members of MSI Global aliance to provide helpdesk support for Ukrainian citizens Read More »

JE desafios consultoria 2022 scaled

Article by Rui Almeida for JE, on the challenges of consulting

The pandemic accelerated the digitisation of the consultancy and created gains in efficiency, but raised new challenges in recruiting and retaining talent. Rui Pedro Almeida, CEO of Moneris, in the article for Jornal Económico, writes about the challenges of consulting and what Moneris’ strategy is to overcome them.

Article by Rui Almeida for JE, on the challenges of consulting Read More »

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