News Corporate Finance

JEmea2022 Media

Moneris in the M&A special of the Economic Journal

In this issue of the Economic Journal, mergers and acquisitions are key operations to make the economic Portuguese more competitive. After a period of pandemic, 2022 should be marked by a growing dynamism of this area in Portugal, a trend based on different factors. Joao Gomes, Partner of Moneris, in the article for jornal Económico, […]

Moneris in the M&A special of the Economic Journal Read More »

Press Release Moneris Bankinter parceria

Moneris and Bankinter partner to support companies to access Community Incentives

Moneris and Bankinter have partnered to support companies in accessing the Funds of the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR) and Portugal 2030, which is expected to open the first applications in the second half of this year. From the preparation and monitoring of funding applications to project funding, Moneris and Bankinter will support companies throughout

Moneris and Bankinter partner to support companies to access Community Incentives Read More »

evento BCP

Workshop: European Funds: Challenges and Opportunities

Knowledge of available investment incentives and the provision of support for the coming years is essential for an efficient and competitive management of companies, so that they can grow, innovate and differentiate. The development and innovation roadmap of Portuguese companies can be supported to a large extent by the European funds negotiated, especially Portugal 2030,

Workshop: European Funds: Challenges and Opportunities Read More »

JE desafios consultoria 2022 scaled

Article by Rui Almeida for JE, on the challenges of consulting

The pandemic accelerated the digitisation of the consultancy and created gains in efficiency, but raised new challenges in recruiting and retaining talent. Rui Pedro Almeida, CEO of Moneris, in the article for Jornal Económico, writes about the challenges of consulting and what Moneris’ strategy is to overcome them.

Article by Rui Almeida for JE, on the challenges of consulting Read More »

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